#Roman jeunesse

Viggo, a great magical adventure!

Anthony Guyon, Maud (mö de lanfé) Agnesina, Adeline Aileo

Viggo is 9 years old, he is tall, he is strong and he is stubborn ! Witch or evil queen, nothing can stop him, he will free the princess ! Viggo is a journey into the imagination. "Viggo" is a theatrical creation by Cie On-Off, based on an original idea by Anthony Guyon. The story, fully bilingual (International signs and english voiceover in the Inclood app), is aimed at all children, young and old.

Par Anthony Guyon, Maud (mö de lanfé) Agnesina, Adeline Aileo
Chez Inclood

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12/10/2021 32 pages 15,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782956099239
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