#Beaux livres

Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes

Eva Harlé

EXQUISITE French Cuisine HOW TO MASTER FRENCH COOKING, AND BECOME AA CHEF WITH 60 ESSENTIAL RECIPES Discover how to prepare a caramel, a bechamel sauce or an onion confit, and experiment recipes such as cheese soufflé and filet mignon in a crust, or regional specialties such as bouillabaisse or gratin dauphinois. And for the gourmets, dive into the preparation of a mirabelle plum tart or à creamy chocolate mousse. What a way to combine quality with pleasure ! You will find everything you need to delight your guests in this book. Bring a little piece of France home with this book of traditional recipes for all lovers of French cuisine.

Par Eva Harlé
Chez Hachette

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Gastronomie en langue étrangèr



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trad. Fiona Schmidt
28/06/2023 160 pages 9,95 €
Scannez le code barre 9782017239741
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