
A Census of Rabelais Copies (1532-1626) with some Additions and Corrections to the New Rabelais Bibliography. Etudes rabelaisiennes, tome LXII

Stephen Rawles

This Census of Rabelais Copies reflects the digital revolution in library cataloguing, incorporating a complete rechecking for early Rabelais copies, notably in the Worldcat database. Every copy recorded has been further verified in the catalogues of the individual libraries concerned. Alongside numerous corrections and additions to the 1987 publication, based on excellent bibliographical and more general scholarship, this Census increases the total number of known copies of Rabelais, dated between 1532 and 1626, and in public hands, from about 750 to nearly 1100, of which well over 100 are available for consultation online. Of particular interest are the discovery of nine copies of the Almanach pour l'an 1535 (NRB 095), the discovery of a previously un-recorded edition by Rabelais of Hippocrates's Prognostikon (NRB 109.5), and the re-emergence in Moscow of the Pantagruel of 1533 (NRB 007), with the Chonicques du grant Roy Gargantua (NRB 122) and the Pantagrueline prognostication (NRB 016) previously recorded in Dresden.

Par Stephen Rawles
Chez Librairie Droz

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02/03/2024 120 pages 48,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782600065252
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