
CALDERA OPENLINUX. Installation and configuration handbook, CD-Rom includes

Gary Wilson

This handbook is hands-down the best reference source for installing and troubleshooting OpenLinux. By providing concise pieces of information, this book, puts you right in position to get working quickly. Author Gary Wilson provides an insightful, easy read for advanced users, computer systems administrators, or anyone else required to set up and maintain a Linux computer in a small to medium-sized office, including hobbyists looking to put Linux on their home computers. The Caldera OpenLinux Installation & Configuration Handbook focuses on installing and reliably maintaining a comprehensive Internet solution, including a corporate mail server, Web server, and more on a small budget.

Par Gary Wilson
Chez Que Corporation

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17/12/1999 696 pages 48,60 €
Scannez le code barre 9780789721051
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