
Le droit administratif français

Bernard Stirn, Guy Braibant

French administrative law is living law, in a context. Définition and history. Instruments and methods. Scope : the administrative law institutions (the concept of corporate body, the state, the other public law agencies, the private agencies which perform public duties) ; the concept of public service (context, extension). Basic principles : prérogatives (powers, protection) ; constraints (the principles of legality and responsibility). The civil service : catégories (diversity of employers and status) ; careers (recruitment, stages, ending) ; ethics (duties, political and social rights). Judicial control : its organization (the dudity of jurisdictions, the organization of administrative justice) ; its functioning (rules of procédure, efficacy).

Par Bernard Stirn, Guy Braibant
Chez Les Presses de Sciences Po

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05/06/1984 547 pages 35,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782724605051
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