West Germany's Foreign Policy in the Era of Brandt and Schmidt, 1969-1982

Michael Wolffsohn

I. The Global Context of German Foreign Policy. II. Fields of Activity (Ostpolitik, economisation of foreign policy, defence policy, German-American Relationship, Middle East, North-South, European policy). III. The Decision-Making Process (bureaucratic politics, parties, parliament, Constitutional Court). IV. Thematic Problem Areas (legitimacy, political integration, Germany's role in world politics, controversial political concepts : détente, "the nation", the second foundation of the state ? ; innovation and parliamentary majorities ; personalistic approach ; political generations ; political geography ; political steering.) V. An Apparaisal (turning-point in the history of West Germany's foreign relations ? ; historical cycles ; "normal" foreign policy ? ; Germany's image, self perception.)

Par Michael Wolffsohn
Chez Peter Lang

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Peter Lang


Sciences politiques

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01/12/1986 95 pages 28,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9783820486162
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