Educational Assistance and School Development in Sierra Leone

Rudolf Schepers, Roland foday Kargbo

The subject of foreign assistance in education for developing countries has gained increasing importance in the last twenty years. The fact that the efforts of both donors and recipients of assistance have not been entirely satisfying has resulted in repeated appeals for intensified scientific investigation into this area. This study represents a response to those appeals from the point of view of an educationist from a recipient country (Sierra Leone).Using historical and field investigations, case studies of three representative agencies were conducted between 1988 and 1989 : a multilateral (UNESCO), a bilateral (British) and a private (Baptist Church).The results indicate that both the approach and goals of aid agencies as well as the degree of involvement of target groups leave a lot to be desired. On the basis of these results, recommendations are made for future cooperation.

Par Rudolf Schepers, Roland foday Kargbo
Chez Peter Lang

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Peter Lang


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01/12/1991 261 pages 58,80 €
Scannez le code barre 9783631434482
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