



Non classé

Artificial Intelligence and the Sociology of Knowledge

A central topic of the latest research in the philosophy of science is the question of what kind of relationship there is between the cognitive and social factors which underlie scientific knowledge. At present, this problem has manifested itself in a heated and still unfinished controversy between the proponents of artificial intelligence research and the sociologists of knowledge. By resolving the antagonism of these two positions, the book aims at developing a modular approach to an integrated philosophy of science which can handle the interaction between cognitive and social factors in a way which differs considerably from all current proposals.



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Développement durable-Ecologie

Ecocity, knowledge city, smart city. Vers une ville écosoutenable ?

Qu'elle soit smart ou knowledge, la ville du futur avec ses atouts et ses promesses est déjà là. Caractérisée par l'innovation écologique et urbaine, elle a comme finalité le bien-être commun. Le concept de ville éco-soutenable se fait route. Une ville que nous construisons progressivement en transformant nos espaces, nos pratiques et nos représentations, et en innovant dans de domaines aussi variés que les transports, les mobilités, l'énergie, le cadre bâti, l'environnement, le patrimoine urbain, etc. Les articles publiés dans cet ouvrage, issus du Séminaire International de Recherche, IDEX SUPER de Sorbonne Universités, coordonné par Patrizia Ingallina, proposent une approche transversale et internationale de toutes ces thématiques. Le principe d'innovation écologique y apparaît en filigrane. La préface de Sébastien Maire interroge la notion de résilience. Les postfaces de Klaus Kunzmann sur la smart city et de Francisco Javier Carrillo, sur les marchés de la connaissance, clôturent l'ouvrage.



Littérature française

The Secrets of Shiva, Aum Namah Shivaya, unquestioned deity of human knowledge

The Secrets of Shiva A gorgeous presentation written by Shuddhananda Bharati on Shiva, unquestioned deity of human knowledge. Lord Shiva has the gift and power to unite us to his spiritual strength, cleanse our past, to teach us and guide us in our evolution and personal development. His creative and destructive energy of the ego leads us into the light. As the alchemist according to our progress, He heals our wounds, removes our worries and sows in us the joy and happiness of being, while leading us in our inner quest for the divine in us. He offers us the chance to find out. Second part is a work about Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar and Rishi Dayananda. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Histoire internationale

Perfect fundamental values and the development of Africa. From African Renaissance to Illumination

This book is the result of fundamental research on the thorny issue of Africa's development. It demonstrates that the development of human societies is first and foremost a resultant of true, perfect and eternal knowledge, a process of conversion of the soul to the True, the Good and the Beautiful, before becoming a quest for material and financial means. To acquire this knowledge, one must resort to all knowledge that deals with life and man, beginning with that of God who is the source of this authentic knowledge. Man, made in the image of God, if he goes back to this source, finds the universal fundamentals of perfect knowledge which open to him the path of complete and eternal knowledge. This enables him to launch victoriously into development. All human cultures have this opportunity to resort to the original sources of knowledge : Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and animism. This true and perfect knowledge sets the man in the certainties that renew his intelligence and make him a new, perfect and creative being of development. All the people who have developed have gone through this salutary way. Africa cannot be an exception to this golden rule. With the assistance of CERCUDE and OVAFOPAC.



Histoire de la philosophie des

Science Illustration. A Visual Exploration of Knowledge from 1450–Today. Edition français-anglais-allemand

L'histoire du savoir. Un guide illustré de l'illustration scientifique.


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