



Littérature érotique et sentim

Fra Francesc Moner’s Bilingual Poetics of Love and Reason

Fra Francesc Moner (1462/3-1491/2) is a Catalan author, who flourished in Barcelona during the second decade subsequent to the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1469. Moner's extant production amounts to seventy-four pieces, a collection of poems and prose works of various genres, written in Catalan and in Castilian. A comprehensive study that profiles the creativity of a whole career is a rare occurrence for a Hispanic author like Moner, whose lifetime straddles the boundaries between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. This book highlights the two main aspects of Fra Francesc's contribution : first, the resourceful bilingualism stemming from Moner's mastery of not only his native Catalan but also Castilian, the language that in the late 1400s kept gaining the ascendancy and prestige of officialdom throughout the Spanish realm ; second, the fashioning of an iconic text of subjectivity in the wake of the landmark innovations brought about by Ausiàs March, the Valencian luminary of the first half of the fifteenth century. Moner develops a love-centered poetics that integrates the distinctive strains of multiple traditions. By probing into Moner's poetics of love and reason, the reader catches a glimpse of an author engaged in intense soul-searching. Moner, in turn, shares with his readers some extraordinary insights into the compelling moments of the human condition – precisely the condition of the human being torn between the allure of the flesh and the aspiration toward the Divine.




The Poetics of Intimacy and the Problem of Sexual Abstinence- Revised Edition

This bold work asks whether traditional Christian sexual morality, with its emphasis on sexual abstinence outside of heterosexual marriage, is harmful. Appealing to sociological studies, anthropological theories, and contemporary theological ethics, Hartwig develops a model of sexual virtue around the concept of a poetics of intimacy and applies this model to particular challenges faced by the divorced, married couples, gay men and lesbians, single adults, and people with mental and developmental disabilities. He concludes that mandated long-term and lifelong sexual abstinence for those outside heterosexual marriage is not only harmful, but compromises many features of Christian morality.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 1/2023 : No Future. Poetry of the Current British Crisis

Daniel Katz, No Future : Poetry of the Current British Crisis David Grundy, "The Arc of Struggle" : Poetry and Defeat in the Work of Sean Bonney Malachi McIntosh, Images of Transcendence : "Crisis Always" and the New Black British Poets Andrea Brady, The Anti-Austerity Poetics of the Archive : Jay Bernard's Surge and Holly Pester's go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt-tip Stephen Collis, "Things to address directly" : Border Politics and Contemporary British Poetry Michael Gardiner, Independence and Extinction in Scottish Wilderness Writing Shalini Sengupta, "Is the poet / An imperial dissident" : Migration and the Limits of Care in Bhanu Kapil's How to Wash a Heart Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors




Alice en terre vaine et autres poèmes

Flèche ou faute, livre de poèmes d'Ann Lauterbach écrits et publiés ces 20 dernières années , sera le premier livre en français de cet écrivain et théoricienne majeure. Proche de l'école de New York et du mouvement L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E sans pour autant être exclusivement tributaire de l'un ou l'autre groupe, Ann Lauterbach a publié de nombreux livres de poésie dont Under the Sign (Penguin, 2013) et Or to Begin Again (Penguin, 2009), retenu sur la liste du National Book Award, Hum (2005), If in Time : Selected Poems 1975–2000 (2001), On a Stair (1997), And for Example (1994) entre autres, de même qu'un livre d'essais, The Night Sky : Writings on the Poetics of Experience. Ann Lauterbach a longtemps travaillé dans le milieu de l'art, notamment pour des galeries prestigieuses. Elle enseigne aujourd'hui à Bard College dont elle dirige l'école d'art Milton Avery School of the Arts et où elle occupe la chaire Schwab Professor of Languages and Literature.



Non classé

The Painful Chrysalis

This collection of 12 essays offers detailed and varied studies of the unique problematic construction of contemporary identities from a literary and cultural perspective. The Painful Chrysalis covers transcendental, relevant and polemic topics like the difficulty of growing up, classist and interracial struggles, narratives of displacement and exile, queering the world, power politics and the individual, troubling poetics of the self, politically contesting documentaries, or boredom and male anorexia. It ranges from British authors of very different origin (such as David Lodge, Radclyffe Hall, Paul Golding, Zadie Smith or Abdulrazak Gurnah) to Canadian and American women writers (such as P.K. Page, Lalitha Gandbhir, Anita Rau Badami, Chitra Bannerji Divakaruni, Denise Levertov, Audre Lorde, Linda Hogan, Janice Mirikitani, or Gloria AnzaldGloria Anzaldúa). The heterodoxy in the critical approaches, together with the diversity of the contents offered, serve to trace an ample mosaic of the urges and drives of artists living in modern multicultural societies and suffering from specific traumatic experiences. Ultimately, their disturbances and fractures help us elucidate the way in which human fragility is transformed into cathartic creativity.




Écoute ma chanson pleine de vent. Listen to my song full of wind

Dans ce premier recueil de poésies l'auteur nous invite à partager avec des mots simples une aventure du coeur où la candeur, la gravité et l'humour s'entremêlent pour exprimer les émois, les craintes et les espérances de l'amant solitaire. La femme sublimée vit entre ciel et réalité quotidienne. Tantôt le vieil adolescent-poète aimerait qu'elle se rapproche de lui, accepte de le suivre, là où il n'y a ni tapage ni grillage, voudrait qu'elle le comprenne et l'accepte dans sa douce nature tout en l'aidant à être plus dur. Tantôt il lui affirme qu'il a la force requise pour la protéger comme un roi. Ces chansons pleines de soies et de drôleries portent la marque d'un regard tourné vers le haut, qu'il s'agisse de Dieu, d'un idéal de pureté ou d'un monde où la justice serait l'unique valeur. Mais François Tassin sait aussi être lucide sur le monde d'aujourd'hui et sur les folies qui sévissent. Si l'aventure n'est pas toujours à la hauteur des rêves, le poète laisse toujours la porte ouverte pour que le vent de l'espérance entre et enchante. Sa longue chanson adressée à l'âme-soeur devient aussi la nôtre et continue à résonner en nous longtemps après que nous l'ayons écoutée dans la nuit éclaircie. In this first collection of poetries the author invites us to share with simple words an adventure of the heart where the innocence, the gravity and the humor become entangled to express the emotions, the fears and the expectations of the solitary lover. The sublimated woman lives between sky and daily reality. Sometimes the old teenager-poet would like that she gets closer to him, agrees to follow him, where there is neither noise nor wire netting, would want that she understands him and accepts him in his soft nature quite there the helper to be harder. Sometimes he asserts her that he has the strength required to protect her as king. These songs full of silks and jokes carry the mark of a sour look upward, that it is about God, about an ideal of purity or about a world where the justice would be the unique value. But François Tassin knows also how to be lucid on the world of today and on the madnesses which rage. If the adventure is not still as high as the dreams, the poet always leaves the open door so that the wind of the hope enters and enchants. His long song sent to the soul mate also becomes ours and continues to resound in us long after we listened to her at night cleared up.


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