
The Rural Novel




Cinq livres à offrir pour Noël

« Sans les cadeaux, Noël ne serait pas Noël. » On ne peut qu’être d’accord avec la romancière Louisa May Alcott, c’est pourquoi on vous propose nos conseils de lecture, avec Actes Sud, afin de gâter vos proches, et pourquoi pas, de leur donner des idées...



Objectif cadeaux de Nöel en cinq ouvrages

Noël approche doucement, il est donc temps de s’arrêter aux futurs présents que l’on offrira à ses proches. Si cette activité doit rester dans le plaisir de donner, on ne va pas se le cacher, il peut également être facteur d’un stress plus ou moins grand. Est-ce le bon cadeau ? Va-t-il plaire à la personne ciblée ? Pas d’inquiétude, les éditions de la Martinière ont sélectionné cinq ouvrages, pour tous les goûts. De quoi rendre heureux ce que vous aimez.



Pour Noël, cinq livres Young Adult à découvrir

Moins exclusif que la littérature blanche, à mi-chemin entre enfance et adulte, un style à part entière, de belles histoires, tous ces aspects sont réunis sous le terme Young Adult. Pour Noël, laissez-vous tenter par notre sélection de 5 ouvrages à destination des ados et de tous ceux qui ont décidé de ne pas choisir leur camp.



Pour Noël, offrez-vous une cure d'imaginaire

Voyager à travers des mondes imaginaires, à la rencontre de personnages fantastiques, explorer des univers de magies, ou de science futuriste, croiser des créatures légendaires, voire monstrueuses, prendre part à des cérémonies avec des peuples féériques, ou extraplanétaires… Les littératures de l’imaginaire sont autant de portes ouvertes vers des ailleurs, qui vous tendent les bras. 



15 livres jeunesse à offrir pour enchanter Noël

Parce que le livre reste le cadeau le plus prisé pour les fêtes de fin d’année, et que choisir un livre pour les enfants n’est pas toujours simple, voici une sélection de 15 ouvrages pour petits et plus grands. Des livres jeunesse, des albums, des romans et des imagiers, pour éveiller les sens et s’émerveiller.



À Nöel, cinq ouvrages pour se triturer les méninges

Noël approche, plus de temps à perdre, alors pour vous aider dans vos cadeaux de dernière minute, ActuaLitté vous conseille. Pour un proche qui aime se triturer les méninges et débattre des heures sur un sujet, voici une sélection de 5 ouvrages proposés par les Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. Du cinéma, à la poésie du slogan révolutionnaire, jusqu’à « l’éthos » de la rupture.




The Rural Novel

Comparative in scope and theoretical rather than historical in approach, this study develops new methods for discussion of the rural novel, combining the insights of rural sociologists with those of theoreticians of fiction. The main focus of attention is the nexus of relationships between narrator, characters and community. While recognizing that conflicts of purpose often arise in the rural novel, which may aim both to record a supposedly real community and to suggest a model of social life, this study reaffirms the genre's value as a challenge to unthinking acceptance of a linear model of human progress.



Non classé

The Country Myth

Focusing on Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Goldsmith, and Smollett, this anthology assembles major studies of the dominant motifs in their novels, among them, London, masquerades, the law, sex, the pilgrimage, and the country house. Together the motifs constitute a mythic journey from the city to the green, golden world of the country.Why the myth ends in the country is the question posed in the editor's opening chapter. A reinterpretation based on recent historical scholarship, it relates the myth's urban and rural poles to the politics of the opposition, the Country Party. Professor Hahn's country thesis suggests that the novel, affirming the values of the landed gentry, is a declaration of conservative romanticism.




The aumakua. The great white shark novel

Just as I finished grabbing it, a sharp pain suddenly was erupting on the inside edge of my lair ! Simultaneously, a tension as unbearable as it was horrifying blocked me trying to pull me towards the surface. The kanakäs had just intercepted me through this lethal decoy ! So, with all my mass and was arching my body with all my strength in the opposite direction, I was regained some slack on this terribly resistant link, feeling all the mass of the platform preventing me from probing like the dontokä before. However, I was determined to show them which of us would be most worthy of remaining in the Incompressible, when with a devastating lateral movement, I severed with a sharp blow the lethal and imperceptible tether ! By this counter blow, I was as if immediately ejected : the perfidious artifact still embedded in my lair lying painfully like a relic of this ubiquitous creature of the System.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.




The Search for Meaning in the Australian Novel

This thesis grew out of an epistemological interest centered on the search for meaning in literature, and out of a reading of Australian novels. Reaching beyond signification, the creation of meaning in literature refers to the significance a text acquires for the recipient's existence. The potential of this meaningfulness fluctuates between a process of explanation, of uncovering hidden meaning, and deception. Assuming that this range is best demonstrated in the literary treatment of negative experiences in human existence, of pain and suffering, we analyse how Australian novelists and critics set paradigms of meaning against the "Non-Sense" in experienced reality, who and what the agents of meaningfulness in Australian literature are, how they relate to each other and how they affect our reading experience.



Non classé

The Nobel Peace Prize and the Laureates

The articles which are published in this volume investigate, on the basis of selected cases of mainly European winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, the meaning of the Prize and the award in the Prize winner's own countries. The case studies, which are mainly of a biographical nature, offer a varied picture with regard to the reactions of public opinion in the respective countries. They consent, however, in so far as the immediate impact of the award was only limited and of short duration.


Tous les articles
