
World Book Night US




City Night Light

Ce livre marque l'achèvement de dix années de photographies par Philong Sovan, jeune photographe cambodgien talentueux, sur la vie nocturne des villes de son pays. Lorsque les touristes dorment et que l'éclairage public inexistant plonge la plupart des quartiers dans l'ombre, le photographe enfourche sa petite motocyclette, débusquant dans la lumière de son phare un monde qu'il ignorait. Dans une écriture photographique tout en couleurs denses et en cadrages précis, jouant avec les faibles lumières de l'activité humaine augmentées seulement de celles de son véhicule, il dresse de la vie cambodgienne et de sa capitale Phnom Penh un portrait intense et flottant à la fois, plein d'étonnement pour la galerie de personnages dont il partage brièvement l'existence dans une clarté fulgurante.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Night Owl Tome 2 : Last Light

Last Night est le deuxième volet de la trilogie troublante où un partenariat d'écriture anonyme en ligne se transforme en une obsession passionnée incontrôlable. Matt Sky a disparu. Après une escalade en solo on a retrouvé une grande tache de sang, des lambeaux de vêtements d'alpinisme et la piste d'un animal dans la neige. Matt est présumé mort. Hannah, sa compagne d'écriture et de jeux amoureux sait que Matt est vivant. Après les funérailles de Matt, elle s'installe sur la côte Est avec sa famille. Nate et Seth Sky, les frères de Matt ont trouvé les derniers écrits de leur frère où il raconte les derniers jours de sa vie avec une précision déconcertante et scandaleuse. Seth veut absolument faire d'Hannah sa maîtresse. Cachés dans les bois, Matt et Hannah tentent désespérément de maintenir leur ruse et leur fusion amoureuse, mais leurs mensonges vont obliger Matt à se démasquer pour sauver Hannah qui tente d'échapper aux diffamations de Nate et de repousser les avances de Seth.



Littérature française

Sri Krishna and His Gospel, Sri Krishna’s flute calls you to love

Sri Krishna and His Gospel We dedicate this Book to Sri Krishna the World teacher whose Gita is the World-Gospel. This was written during a long Yogic communion with the Lord Krishna, by his fervent devotee Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati who lives and loves the Gita. Saint Shuddhananda Bharati invoked Sri Krishna in his meditation and took inspiration from that Supreme Grace for every line of the Holy Book. Thus this is Sri Krishna's treatise on His Gita. This is a book for all. We have not put any picture of Krishna in the book for who can paint his universal beauty ? The Nature-universe is his Visvarupa. So dear readers, see him in Nature's beauty and contemplate upon each line of this book. This book teaches you how to live in God-consciousness. It is a real pleasure and a great privilege for me to present this treatise on Sri Krishna and His Gospel to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Sri Krishna and His Gospel to us. The first edition of this book is dated on 24th November 1943. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Comics Super-héros

The Dark Knight returns. Book one

Le livre numérique (en anglais : ebook ou e-book), aussi connu sous les noms de livre électronique et de livrel, est un livre édité et diffusé en version numérique, disponible sous la forme de fichiers, qui peuvent être téléchargés et stockés pour être lus sur un écran (ordinateur personnel, téléphone portable, liseuse, tablette tactile), sur une plage braille, un dispositif de lecture de livres audio, ou un navigateur.



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



12 ans et +

Night World Tome 8 : Le royaume des Ténèbres

Le Night World ne se limite pas à un endroit précis. Il nous entoure. Ses lois sont très claires : sous aucun prétexte son existence ne doit être révélée à qui que ce soit d'extérieur. Et ses membres ne doivent pas tomber amoureux d'un individu de la race humaine. Sous peine de conséquences terrifiantes. Découvrez ce qui arrive à ceux qui enfreignent les règles... Depuis la disparition de son frère, Maggie s'est juré de le retrouver à tout prix. Sa quête la conduit chez Delos, un prince vampire réputé pour sa cruauté, qui tient toute une communauté d'humains en servitude. A son arrivée, ce sombre individu la capture et en fait son esclave. Mais peu à peu, une irrésistible attirance les consume. Maggie se retrouve alors face à un douloureux dilemme : peut-elle pardonner à Delos d'avoir emprisonné son frère dans le royaume des Ténèbres ? Et surtout, pourra-t-elle survivre à un amour aussi destructeur ? Laissez-vous envoûter par le Night World.



Littérature française

Le Hollandais Volant a touché terre / The Flying Dutchman has landed

Ce livre est en français à gauche. Ce livre est un roman d'amour, enfin, en quelque sorte ; plutôt une quête. Un homme recherche une femme en Russie. Le mythe du Hollandais Volant court en parallèle à l'histoire, qui elle, est bien d'aujourd'hui. This book is in English on the right pages. This book is a novel, a love story, a kind of ; I could qualify it as a quest. A man searches for a woman in Russia. The myth of the Flying Dutchman runs in parallel with the story, which is very much in today's world.




Mon look book par Cristina Cordula

La chemise blanche, le jean, la saharienne, la jupe crayon, la petite robe noire, le trench, la marinière... ces vêtements font partie de la trentaine de pièces basiques du dressing féminin à partir desquelles nous composons la plupart de nos tenues. Dans ce superbe livre, Cristina Cordula vous propose de redécouvrir ces pièces, de les réinterpréter, de trouver les associations qui changent tout ! Voyage ou week-end, bureau ou sortie au ciné, soirée d'exception... et si vous appreniez à jouer avec vos basiques pour créer de nouveaux looks chics et seyants pour toutes les situations ? Photos street-style dans Paris, magnifiques dessins de mode, looks à plat plein de fantaisie : entrez dans le monde de Cristina et laissez-vous guider par son inspiration, ses coups de coeur. La mode est un jeu !



Histoire de France

Les transferts culturels dans les mondes normands médiévaux (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Objets, acteurs et passeurs, Textes en français et anglais

The objects of cultural transfers are innumerable. Their study is particularly important to understanding the medieval Norman worlds and their multiple interconnections with the Scandinavian world, the British Isles, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. While examining the processes of transmission, reception, adaptation, adoption, or rejection, this book highlights how these dynamics influenced cultures between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Various examples of both material (embroidery ; clothing accessories ; iron artefacts ; coins ; manuscripts ; funeral monuments ; sculptures, etc.) and immaterial objects (craftsmanship ; literary models ; language ; religious and burial practices ; ideology of power ; oath-taking, etc.) are studied, including some emblematic ‘monuments' of the Norman worlds (the Bayeux Tapestry ; the mosaics on the floor of Otranto Cathedral). Particular attention is given to presenting these objects in a context in which their reinterpretation in different socio-cultural environments could be better understood. The book also questions the role and the significance of the actors of cultural transfers (aristocratic elites ; churchmen ; merchants ; craftsmen ; authors ; copyists ; etc.), considering their status or their function, as well as their aptitude to carry transfers. It sheds light on relations and networks that have been thus far relatively unknown, and on the circulation of models that consists of a multitude of objects and productions. Finally, it contributes to the exploration of the contacts between different populations and the construction of their interactions.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Littérature française

The Star of snows

Written during the black decade of Algeria, this narrative of apprenticeship is freely inspired by a real fact arisen in Kabylia during the childhood of the author. Its electrical wire is the friendship of a child and an eccentric whom some tolerate and whom others would want to send to the asylum. By his side, the child is going to learn to listen to the music of trees and to look at the world with the eyes of the heart. This tale, at the same time naive and grave, invites us to wonder about the cogs of the mechanics of the scapegoat. It is dedicated to all the children of the world who closely or remotely were next to the rejection and to the intolerance.



Beaux arts

Rembrandt. Edition en langue anglaise

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-69) transcends any period or social milieu: he is one of the world's great masters and though his works reflect the confidence of newly independent Holland, his vision extends fat beyond these narrow confines. A deeply perceptive artist (his many self-portraits show his continued interest in the study of human nature), he sought to go beyond superficialities, to endow his biblical paintings, historical narratives, genre scenes and portraits with psychological depths hitherto unknown in Dutch painting. Impatient with conventionally stiffly posed group portraits, he produced such masterpieces as The Night Watch, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp and The Staal Meesters, while his studies of Saskia, his wife, and his mistress Hendrickje Stoffels reveal his deeply sensuous, compassionate nature. For this new, updated edition, Michael Kitson, Director of the Paul Mellon Centre in London, has revised his highly successful book in the light of the most recent scholarship on Rembrandt, making this the ideal survey of the career of a much-loved genius.




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 3

Les conspirations des crapules de la capitale... Ark et la guerrière Ariane se rendent à Olav, la capitale royale, afin d'obtenir des informations sur les elfes disparus. Ils y retrouvent Chiyome, la ninja aux oreilles d'animaux, rencontrée à Diente. Notre héros ne peut résister à l'appel de la justice en apprenant qu'elle cherche également à sauver les siens. En s'associant avec Goemon, l'ami de Chiyome, le groupe réussira-t-il à redresser les torts de cette ville corrompue... ? Cette nuit, nous allons vaincre la vermine de la capitale !




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 8

Soulya, la capitale royale du Royaume du Nord est soudainement attaquée par des dizaines de milliers de revenants ! Ark et ses amis poursuivent leur chemin vers l'Etat pontifical de Hilk en suivant les indices donnés par Sasuke, sans être au courant de la situation qui menace le royaume. Appelé en renfort par la princesse Lylle, le groupe accepte d'affronter l'armée des morts pour les délivrer.




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 10

Ark s'en remet à la sagesse du Roi des Dragons afin d'acquérir le pouvoir du Chevalier Divin. Comme lieu de formation, il choisit la Forêt Noire, où se terrent de puissantes bêtes démoniaques. Ark s'entraîne dur, mais il semblerait que, pendant ce temps, un grand nombre de créatures soit abattu par " quelqu'un " dans les profondeurs de la forêt... " Il y a un intrus, j'ai besoin de votre aide pour le battre. " Alors que le Tréant, le Roi des arbres, demande au duo de régler la situation, son corps se fait posséder par l'ennemi ! La formation d'Ark portera-t-elle ses fruits ?




Skeleton Knight in Another World - Tome 9

Ark libère sa puissance de chevalier divin et terrasse l'armée des morts à lui tout seul. Mais quand vient le moment d'affronter le cardinal Palurmo du culte de Hilk, celui-ci est confronté à une difficulté imprévue. Heureusement, ses deux acolytes sont là pour l'aider. " Laissez-moi vous présenter les trois héros qui ont sauvé nos vies ! " Après avoir secouru les habitants de Soulya, Ark et ses amies sont bien décidés à en découdre avec leurs ennemis !




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 6

Partons pour ce nouveau continent ! Ark et ses amis traversent la mer jusqu'au royaume de Favnach, au sud, pour visiter Danka, blessé lors d'un combat avec un mystérieux épéiste. Ils découvrent une terre riche, paisible et multiculturelle. Hélas, leur joie est de courte durée, puisqu'ils sont rapidement attaqués par un géant noir ainsi que par d'étranges guerriers appartenant au culte de Hilk... Quels sont les nouveaux ennemis que nous allons rencontrer sur ces terres inconnues ?




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 7

Pleure donc, noble guerrier. Je vais terrasser ces monstres ! Ark et ses amis arrivent à Tadiente et font face à un spectacle affligeant : des centaines de personnes courant pour sauver leur vie au milieu de géants noirs et de morts-vivants déchaînés. Au milieu de cette tourmente, Chiyome affronte son frère, Sasuke. Alors que Ark lutte pour protéger les habitants, il fait la rencontre du cardinal du culte de Hilk qui révèle sa nature maléfique. Ark pourra-t-il montrer de quoi il est capable contre cet ennemi puissant à la magie inépuisable et au pouvoir de régénération sans précédent ? ! Ark et Chiyome nous dévoilent toute leur puissance dans ce volume !




Skeleton Knight in Another World Tome 12

Après un affrontement acharné, Ariane réussit à battre le cardinal Marcos. Mais le combat n'est pas terminé, avec l'apparition soudaine du pape du culte de Hilk ! Ivin, sentant sa soeur en danger, se précipite à son secours, mais elle ne peut calmer sa colère et défie Thanatos seule. " Stop. Reprenons du début ! " De retour dans son village, Chiyome apprend la disparition de Goémon.



Développement personnel - Orie

Where to study in the UK. A guide to British schools and universities for parents abroad

This book is for parents living outside of the UK who are considering a UK education for their children. As English has come to be the language of the global economy and as UK schools are accepted to be amongst the best in the world, a British education is widely regarded as an invaluable asset. Consequently, competition for places in both schools and colleges is extremely competitive. Where to Study in the UK provides a clear and accessible description of the UK education and exam system and gives authoritative advice on how to choose the right school or college and how to secure a place for your child. The book, which also includes a series of illustrated profiles of over 50 of the UK's top educational establishments, has been complied by educational consultants Mentor ISC, with contributions from both expert educationalists and practitioners in preparatory, secondary and higher education.




Karl. No Regrets

The artist Patrick Hourcade met Karl Lagerfeld in 1976, initiating a friendship that would last more than twenty years, nourished by a shared passion for the arts of the eighteenth century. Patrick Hourcade tells us the story of this aesthetic meeting of minds. Together they would construct a magnificent world of refinement and luxury-at times bordering on the extravagant-from the Château de Grand-Champ in Brittany to the Hôtel Pozzo di Borgo in Paris and villa La Vigie on the Côte d'Azur. Drawing on unpublished photographs and documents, the author paints an intimate portrait of Karl Lagerfeld, both shadow and light. He gives us a unique and singular perspective, populated by the exceptional personalities who accompanied the great couturier throughout his life.



Littérature française

This book is yours

Dans une maison où plusieurs personnes habitent et travaillent ensemble, la cuisine en devient rapidement le centre : l'espace de rencontres et d'échanges informels. C'était aussi le cas à l'Arc artist residency à Romainmôtier : la cuisine était le coeur de l'institution. Cette publication s'inspire de cette cuisine, de sa convivialité, du partage de repas et de savoir, et des expériences qui s'y sont déroulées. Elle couvre une période de quatre ans dans la vie de l'Arc, une institution du Pour-cent culturel Migros, de janvier 2015 à décembre 2018. Ce livre est un outil et une source d'inspiration pour repenser vos propres vies et pratiques. Les ingrédients en sont les connaissances et l'expérience de la communauté de l'Arc : ses collaborateur-trice-s, ses résident-e-s et ses invité-e-s.




A Tale of Two Monkeys. Adventures in the Art World

Anthony Speelman is the doyen of English art dealers specializing in Dutch Golden Age art. Vividly written and handsomely illustrated, his memoirs offer fascinating insight into the sometimes secretive world of Old Masters. This book will appeal not only to dealers, collectors and others in the fine art world, but also to would-be collectors eager for a glimpse behind the curtain. These memoirs cover a lifetime of dealing in Old Masters at the very highest level. Speelman's career started under the guidance of his father Edward, whose own biography has much to tell. Over the years, Speelman has sold paintings to many of the world's greatest collectors, including Norton Simon, Paul Mellon, Baron Thyssen, Harold Samuel, Charles Clore and the Wrightsmans in New York, along with world renowned museums such as the Getty, the Louvre and the National Gallery, London, among many others. He writes about his encounters with these eminent bodies in a light-hearted style, sometimes amusing, always extremely interesting - including an anecdote about a recent meeting with a Chinese billionaire with a penchant for fine wine. The two monkeys in the title refer to two paintings of a monkey holding a peach by George Stubbs, the outstanding English animal painter. Anthony describes how he discovered one of these masterpieces as a 'sleeper' in a Sotheby's sale. Early in his career Anthony's rooms in Piccadilly were broken into and a number of paintings stolen, including a George Stubbs painting of a spaniel. An intriguing tale follows, ending with the paintings recovered some eighteen months later after a failed blackmail attempt on the part of the thieves. Amongst his accomplishments, Speelman was for many years chairman of the vetting committee at the annual Maastricht art fair. He describes the working of the committees which ensure that all works exhibited are correctly described. Still active in the art world, he is currently chairman of the vetting committee of the prestigious annual Masterpiece art fair in London. Other chapters detail Speelman's travels to California, New York and Paris, his interest in gastronomy and his thrilling adventures in the world of horseracing. The book is beautifully illustrated with examples of works that have passed through the author's hands. The wide range of illustrations is not limited to Dutch art and includes works by Canaletto, Stubbs, Raphael, Tiepolo, Melendez and other Old Masters.



Matières enseignées

Buk. best technology ever for word-addicts

This book is in English. It is intended for French students who are not completely familiar with the Anglo-Saxon language. Each double-page comprises : on the left-hand-side, the English text ; on the right-hand side explanations and commentaries about specific words or phrasings that might be difficult to grasp. Different spellings (British or American) are also indicated and a glossary will enlighten you about the wonderful world of BUK. After 200 pages you will have made progress, no doubt ! ... thanks to BUK. Livre en anglais destiné à celles et ceux désirant se perfectionner. Chaque double-page comporte, à gauche, le texte en anglais et, à droite, des explications / définitions avec parfois des traductions en français pour préciser l'usage d'un mot ou d'une locution en contexte. Les différentes orthographes (britannique ou américaine) sont précisées et un glossaire vous éclairera sur le monde merveilleux de BUK. Après 200 pages, vous aurez nul doute progressé ! ... et ceci grâce à BUK.




Fitzgerald, Tender is the night

LA référence pour la littérature aux agrégations d'Anglais Traitant d'un des sujets 2023 et 2024 des agrégations externe et interne d'Anglais, cet ouvrage propose tout ce dont le candidat a besoin pour passer les épreuves. Comme tous les Clefs-concours de littérature anglophone, l'ouvrage est structuré en quatre parties : Repères : le contexte historique et littéraire ; Thématiques : comprendre les enjeux du programme ; Perspectives : ouvertures pour des pistes de réflexion ; Outils : pour retrouver rapidement une définition, une idée ou une référence.



Non classé

Prisons and Idylls

Critical attempts to evaluate Kleist's fictional world, e.g. as ordered or disordered, accessible or resistant to reason, face a hermeneutic problem : the material and psychological embeddedness of the characters in the very world they seek to understand. This problem is reflected not only in the less-than-omniscient perspective of Kleist's narrators, but also in the reader's confrontation with competing readings of events in terms of mythic absolutes and with the opaquely concrete quality of spatial metaphors. In this light, three new interpretations offer insight into such problems as the nature of the idyll in "Das Erdbeben in Chili," the Marquise von O...'s creative self-imprisonment, and the gypsy's apparently supernatural intervention in Kohlhaas' quest. Finally, the book presents a dynamic typology of spatial phenomena in the stories which accounts for Kleist's concern with the interpretive process as opposed to its presumed endpoint.




Écoute ma chanson pleine de vent. Listen to my song full of wind

Dans ce premier recueil de poésies l'auteur nous invite à partager avec des mots simples une aventure du coeur où la candeur, la gravité et l'humour s'entremêlent pour exprimer les émois, les craintes et les espérances de l'amant solitaire. La femme sublimée vit entre ciel et réalité quotidienne. Tantôt le vieil adolescent-poète aimerait qu'elle se rapproche de lui, accepte de le suivre, là où il n'y a ni tapage ni grillage, voudrait qu'elle le comprenne et l'accepte dans sa douce nature tout en l'aidant à être plus dur. Tantôt il lui affirme qu'il a la force requise pour la protéger comme un roi. Ces chansons pleines de soies et de drôleries portent la marque d'un regard tourné vers le haut, qu'il s'agisse de Dieu, d'un idéal de pureté ou d'un monde où la justice serait l'unique valeur. Mais François Tassin sait aussi être lucide sur le monde d'aujourd'hui et sur les folies qui sévissent. Si l'aventure n'est pas toujours à la hauteur des rêves, le poète laisse toujours la porte ouverte pour que le vent de l'espérance entre et enchante. Sa longue chanson adressée à l'âme-soeur devient aussi la nôtre et continue à résonner en nous longtemps après que nous l'ayons écoutée dans la nuit éclaircie. In this first collection of poetries the author invites us to share with simple words an adventure of the heart where the innocence, the gravity and the humor become entangled to express the emotions, the fears and the expectations of the solitary lover. The sublimated woman lives between sky and daily reality. Sometimes the old teenager-poet would like that she gets closer to him, agrees to follow him, where there is neither noise nor wire netting, would want that she understands him and accepts him in his soft nature quite there the helper to be harder. Sometimes he asserts her that he has the strength required to protect her as king. These songs full of silks and jokes carry the mark of a sour look upward, that it is about God, about an ideal of purity or about a world where the justice would be the unique value. But François Tassin knows also how to be lucid on the world of today and on the madnesses which rage. If the adventure is not still as high as the dreams, the poet always leaves the open door so that the wind of the hope enters and enchants. His long song sent to the soul mate also becomes ours and continues to resound in us long after we listened to her at night cleared up.



Littérature française

Illumination Hymn and Conferences

Illumination Hymn, Conferences Author : Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati The flame shining vibrations movement is the one person, the irremovable one, I am in all. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only one form enveloping and carrying human bodies and worlds in its illumination light. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only sound Aum. I bow to that flame illumination light. Our natural being, sending hope and help in this illumination hymn itself is liberation in life to all of us Sparks Intelligence - Individuals of the light, to put an end to our sufferings miseries and fears and to feed and make us enjoy here and now in the painless nectar bliss.




The Stutter of History

This French-language catalogue accompanies a major retrospective exhibition of Thomas Demand's work at Jeu de Paume, Paris, as part of a worldwide tour. Thomas Demand has spent the last two and a half decades bringing together his talents as both a sculptor and a photographer to capture the feedback loop between the world we inhabit and the photographic documents of it which lie at the root of our contemporary image culture. Bringing together a wide-ranging survey of photographs that span the arc of his career, The Stutter of History provides both an overview of the artist's way of seeing the world and lesson in how we might approach the onslaught of historical events that we consume through the world of images. This extensive book displays the breadth and depth of Demand's artistic accomplishment, demonstrating in one volume why he is considered one of the world's foremost contemporary artists. Includes new short stories by award-winning authors Ali Smith and Maylis de Kerangal written in response to a work by Demand, as well as illuminating essays by Douglas Fogle, curator of the exhibition, and critic Margaret Iversen. All texts published in French language. Co-published with Jeu de Paume



Allemagne - Berlin

Soul of Berlin. A guide to 30 exceptional experiences

Berlin. We tried 1, 000 places and kept only 30. The 'Soul of ' collection is a new approach to travel that's all about vagabonding around town, chance encounters and unforgettable experiences. Guides for those who want to unlock the hidden doors of a city, feel out its heartbeat and plumb every last nook and cranny to reveal its soul. The world's smallest nightclub, an exceptional private collection of ancient Asian art, Berlin's best beaches, the most beautiful bike ride, a fabulous spa that'll make you feel like you're in Bali, exploring the city's underground spots, an ice cream shop that makes its own cones right in front of you, the city's best restaurants (not necessarily the ones you'd think), where to go kayaking just like in Venice, the best places to have lunch by the water, an outstanding burger, spending a night in a mattress workshop, some unique architectural curiosities and psychedelic metro stations . . .
