



Poches Littérature internation


Au lendemain du 11 Septembre, la vie de Hans, analyste financier, est dans le même état de ruines que New York. Devenue paranoïaque, sa femme l’a quitté pour se réfugier à Londres avec leur jeune fils. Hans mène depuis une existence paresseuse. Jusqu’au jour où il rencontre Chuck. Une indéfectible amitié va le lier à cet étrange homme d’affaires, dont le rêve est de lancer la mode du cricket à New York…



Romans policiers

Le Fantôme d'Alcatraz Tome 2 : Amsterdam - Netherlands

En dépit de la fine bruine qui tombait sans discontinuer depuis plus d'une demi-heure, les étroites rues du quartier Rouge d'Amsterdam étaient comme à leur habitude en ce début de soirée, bondées de touristes et de passants. [...] Il flottait dans l'air un parfum d'herbe émanant des coffee-shops qui embaumait les rues d'une douce odeur entêtante. L'atmosphère était électrique, joyeuse et insouciante. Les bars pleins à craquer déversaient un flot de musique jusqu'aux trottoirs humides de la ville où des jeunes gens dansaient une bière à la main. Mais soudain, par-dessus le brouhaha, un cri strident perça l'atmosphère...




L'atlas vagabond. Un monde d'aventures

Prêts à vous promener dans une gondole à Venise ou à explorer les anciennes pyramides d'Egypte ? Alors ce livre est fait pour vous ! De l'Europe à l'Afrique en passant par les Amériques et l'Asie, sans oublier l'Océanie ni l'Antarctique, le monde est un extraordinaire terrain de jeux et d'aventures, où il fait bon vagabonder. En ouvrant cet atlas, vous partirez à la découverte des continents et des magnifiques traditions de multiples pays. Un contenu riche et varié pour un tour du monde complet Au fil des pages, vous découvrirez des coutumes, des cultures et des paysages aux quatre coins du monde et plongerez au coeur d'expériences uniques, propres à chaque continent. Un superbe livre-cadeau tous publics Un ouvrage doté d'illustrations de grande qualité, mises en valeur grâce au grand format et à la fabrication soignée. Plus qu'un atlas, ce livre rassemble des informations et traditions sur divers pays, de manière pédagogique et ludique à la fois. Une lecture qui enchantera les petits comme les grands !



Documentaires jeunesse

L'atlas aventurier des océans

Baigne-toi dans les océans avec les tortues luths, rejoins les requins-marteaux, danse avec les fous à pieds bleus, cache-toi à côté des poissons-clowns, grignote le corail avec les poissons-perroquets... Laisse-toi guider par plus de 30 animaux à travers les 5 océans de notre planète, grâce aux nombreux détails à observer et aux histoires à découvrir.



Non classé

Labouring Lives

Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women's changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies in the field.



Non classé

The efficiency of English language teaching in smaller countries: Denmark

The study is part of a wider comparative description of basic English language teaching in some of the smaller European countries, namely Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden. This first survey offers a discussion of the main issues in English language teaching in Denmark based entirely on Danish sources and on observations in various schools. Denmark is an interesting case of successful English language teaching at school, mainly in mixed-ability classes, with a high degree of support via private TV viewing in a climate of favourable attitudes toward Britain and the U.S.A. The discussion is broadened by looking at teacher education, the role of English outside school and the influence of the English language on Danish.




Corporatism and the Stability of Capitalist Democracies

This dissertation treats a problem which originally stems from Marxist political economic thinking : why do representatives of the working-class compromise with representatives of the capitalist class on major socio-economic topics on a national level, and what do such compromises look like ? The author establishes the claim that macro-economic compromises between organized classes are both likely to result and unstable in their nature. It is shown how the state may act as an actor supporting the establishment of an institutionalized class compromise and how it may try to prevent the breakdown of it. After elaborating these claims in a dynamic macro-economic model, the author describes developments of class compromises in post World War II Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands to illustrate the theory.



Non classé

Debating National Security

The nature of security in the contemporary world is changing rapidly. Superpower detente, the progress and further prospects of arms control, the collapse of East European communist regimes, and German unification, to name but the most spectacular features, present unprecedented challenges not only for political decision-makers, but also for the mass publics in democratic societies. What are the trends of public opinion on these issues and how do they reflect these changes ? By what factors are pertinent public attitudes shaped and what structures do emerge ? How can they be reliably assessed and meaningfully analyzed ? Which demands flow from the dynamics of public opinion that have to be taken into account in security policy making ? These are the key questions addressed by the twelve contributions to this volume. Combining longitudinal and comparative approaches they cover the public dimension of the national security debate in seven Western nations : Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States.



Histoire du protestantisme

Revue d'Histoire du Protestantisme N° 3/2023 : Pouvoirs et institutions dans les protestantismes européens (vers 1840 - vers 1900)

SOMMAIRE - Articles - Pouvoirs et institutions dans les protestantismes européens (vers 1840 - vers 1900) - P. HARISMENDY, "Le gouvernement des Eglises dans l'Europe protestante au XIXe siècle : un moyen efficace d'arbitrer les dilemmes ? " - Le monopole réagencé des Eglises-Peuple - E. SIDENVALL, "Un luthéranisme en transition : Suède, 1840-1900" ; P. MARKKOLA, "Le luthéranisme en Finlande : entre religion d'Etat et Eglise du Peuple" ; S. BARAL, "Devenir italienne : l'Eglise évangélique vaudoise de la Restauration à la Belle Epoque" - Acteurs et dramaturgie de la scène ecclésiologique - M. FRIEDRICH, "Power, Institutions and Factions in German Protestantism" ; B. REYMOND, "Déchirures ecclésiastiques dans le Canton de Vaud au XIXe siècle" ; T. -E. KRIJGER, "The Reformation that Failed to Occur : Liberal Protestantism as an Organised Movement in the Netherlands (c. 1860 - c. 1920)" - Libertés religieuses et incidences organisationnelles - K. E. LARSEN, "Freedom of Religion but with Exceptions. Opportunities and Difficulties for non-Lutherans in Denmark, 1840-1900" ; S. SCHOLL, "Sortir du calvinisme d'Etat au XIXe siècle : les clivages genevois" ; G. LLOYD, "Forces et faiblesses du protestantisme gallois (1840-1900)" ; H. LANUSSE-CAZALE, "Le contrôle de la chaire par les institutions représentatives dans les Eglises protestantes du Sud aquitain (vers 1840 - vers 1905)" - Par où se réajustent les normes - J. BECKER, "Hiérarchie et obéissance dans les missions protestantes allemandes au XIXe siècle : le cas de la Mission de Bâle en Inde (1830-1870)" ; C. GROSSE, "Une polémique en sourdine : l'introduction d'une liturgie funèbre dans les Eglises réformées francophones au XIXe siècle" ; P. -Y. KIRSCHLEGER, "Les évangéliques de Provence et Bas-Languedoc, pionniers de la réorganisation synodale en France (1879-1896)" ; M. MAZET, "Les débats dans les synodes réformés particuliers des 17e, 18e et 19e circonscriptions (Basse Ardèche, Haute Ardèche - Haute Loire et Drôme) entre 1879 et 1905" - Assemblée Générale - I. SABATIER, "Rapport moral annuel pour l'année 2022" - Comptes rendus.



Mouvements artistiques

Hockney's Eye. The Art and Technology of Depiction

David Hockney is the best known and most widely admired painter in the world. This vibrant catalogue accompanies a major exhibition at the The Fitzwilliam Museum and the Heong Gallery in Cambridge, as well as the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. Throughout his long career, David Hockney has insistently explored diverse ways of depicting the visible world. He has scrutinised the methods of the old masters, and explored radical departures from their cherished assumptions The exhibition and accompanying book are the first to focus on this central theme in his art. "Western art" from the Renaissance until at least the late 19th century has been dominated by the depiction of nature. Was this to be accomplished by direct looking (called "eyeballing" by Hockney) or with the assistance of optical theory and devices, such as cameras ? Hockney has experimented with the full range of existing strategies, overtly using perspective in some of his classic pictures and rigorously investigating optical aids for the imitation of nature, including the camera obscura and camera lucida. Yet he has come to reject the photograph as the definitive image of what we see. Along the way, he has identified a "camera culture'' in European painting from 1400, arguing very controversially that the supreme naturalism of painters like Jan van Eyck are the product of optical devices. His book, Secret Knowledge (2001), with its majestic panorama of paintings over the course of five centuries, claims that art historians have missed the central aspect of painters' practice. The "Hockney thesis" has been received more favourably outside the professional world of art history than in it. His own artistic practice has been in vigorous dialogue with his radical thesis, and he has progressively demonstrated new and dynamic ways of characterising the visual world without perspective and other conventional techniques. This quest results a series of joyous challenges to our ways of seeing in the major exhibition in Cambridge at the Fitzwilliam Museum and in the Heong Gallery (Downing College). It will look at the whole span of Hockney's varied career and at the nature of the optical devices he has tested. His vision will be explored in the setting of traditional masterpieces of naturalistic observation, and in the context of modern sciences and technologies of seeing. The first section of the book looks at his thrilling experiments in seeing and representing in broad historical and contemporary contexts. This is followed by discussions of pre-photographic devices for capturing the appearances of things by optical means. The third section includes essays on Hockney's experiments from the perspectives of neuroscience and computer vision. In short, it reveals in a new way the working of Hockney's unique eye.
