



Romance sexy

Status Update. #Gaymers, T1

Adrian Gottlieb a réussi sa vie. C'est un brillant concepteur de jeux vidéo qui a tout ce dont un homme pourrait rêver, y compris un super rencard pour le mariage de sa soeur. Mais il est obligé de tout rebooter quand il se retrouve coincé sur un terrain de camping enneigé en Utah. Ses projets de vacances ? Un plantage monumental. Du moins jusqu'à ce que Noah Walters lui offre un abri pour la nuit et, à contrecoeur, un voyage à travers le pays. Rien chez le géoarchéologue ultra-conservateur ne devrait attirer Adrian, mais lorsqu'il découvre la passion secrète de Noah pour les jeux vidéo, la connexion entre les deux hommes passe au niveau supérieur. Rapidement, une paisible mais indéniable alchimie s'installe entre eux. Mais quelque chose cloche. Tandis que les kilomètres s'accumulent et que le temps passe, Noah doit faire le choix le plus difficile de sa vie. Leur relation vaut-elle la peine qu'on se batte pour elle, ou ce jeu a-t-il pris fin avant même de commencer ?



Littérature érotique et sentim

#Gaymers Tome 1 : Status Update

Adrian Gottlieb a réussi sa vie. C'est un brillant concepteur de jeux vidéo qui a tout ce dont un homme pourrait rêver, y compris un super rencard pour le mariage de sa soeur. Mais il est obligé de tout rebooter quand il se retrouve coincé sur un terrain de camping enneigé en Utah. Ses projets de vacances ? Un plantage monumental. Du moins jusqu'à ce que Noah Walters lui offre un abri pour la nuit et, à contrecoeur,   un voyage à travers le pays. Rien chez le géoarchéologue ultra-conservateur ne devrait attirer Adrian, mais lorsqu'il découvre la passion secrète de Noah pour les jeux vidéo, la connexion entre les deux hommes passe au niveau supérieur. Rapidement, une paisible mais indéniable alchimie s'installe entre eux. Mais quelque chose cloche. Tandis que les kilomètres s'accumulent et que le temps passe, Noah doit faire le choix le plus difficile de sa vie. Leur relation vaut-elle la peine qu'on se batte pour elle, ou ce jeu a-t-il pris fin avant même de commencer ?




Current concepts. The digitized shoulder & updates on shoulder arthroscopy

This congress organized by Professor Boileau is a world reference in the field of shoulder surgery with speakers from all over the world. You will find in the table of contents all the subjects concerning digitized shoulder discussed at this conference.




Update your English grammar ! La grammaire anglaise en 20 mises au point B1-C1

A destination des élèves des classes préparatoires littéraires, commerciales et scientifiques, des étudiants du supérieur ou de ceux préparant les concours des IEP, cet ouvrage aborde, de façon progressive, sous forme de fiches, les 20 points de grammaire anglaise posant le plus régulièrement problème à l'écrit comme à l'oral. Elaboré à partir d'une longue expérience d'enseignement en classes préparatoires, Update your English Grammar ! comprend des outils classiques et originaux, pour aider à clarifier et consolider ses connaissances ou encore améliorer son niveau de langue, comme : · des tableaux et des focus attirant l'attention sur les éléments essentiels à retenir par coeur ; · le recours, pour illustrer les règles clés à maîtriser, aux exemples imagés comme les proverbes ou les expressions idiomatiques, amusantes à mémoriser ; · des exercices variés incluant systématiquement des exercices de thèmes grammaticaux et de thèmes suivis pour s'entraîner et acquérir les bons automatismes.




La méthode PRINCE2. Version 2017 Update et compléments PRINCE2 Agile, Réussir les certifications Fondamental et Praticien, 3e édition

PRINCE (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) est une méthode structurée de gestion de projets basée sur des processus, des thèmes et des principes qui s'applique à tout type de projets, informatiques ou non. Elle est simple et structurante et permet aux entreprises qui la mettent en oeuvre d'optimiser leur organisation en définissant des redevabilités claires, de se focaliser sur ce qu'elles cherchent à produire et pas seulement sur les activités, et de pouvoir assurer un contrôle de haut niveau sur de multiples projets. Elle fournit également un excellent outil de contrôle sur les projets développés avec des méthodes agiles en informatique. Cet ouvrage vous permettra de comprendre et de maîtriser les concepts de PRINCE2. Il comporte des QCM d'entraînement aux examens pour préparer les deux certifications PRINCE2 : l'examen "Fondamental" (Foundation) et l'examen "Praticien" (Practitioner). Cette troisième édition a été mise à jour avec Prince2 Update 2017. Elle comporte des examens blancs conformes à cette nouvelle version ainsi qu'un complément sur Prince2 Agile.



Physique, chimie

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry. 4th edition

This popular textbook gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. The fourth edition has been revised and updated to reflect the growing popularity of statistics and chemometric methods and new approaches in optimisation and experimental design. The authors have also addressed the quality of analytical chemistry data and experimental results, an area of increasing concern to chemists testing the safety of food and medicines. Key features of the new edition: - Expanded material to create new chapters on "Experimental Design and Optimisation" and "Multivariate Analysis" - Completely new chapter on "The Quality of Analytical Measurements" - Revised questions with complete solutions throughout the text - Updated worked examples including calculations performed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab - Glossary and a flow chart to guide readers in their choice of significance tests - Instructors' manual and companion website available. This book will suit undergraduate, M.Sc. and graduate courses in Analytical Chemistry and related topics, and will also be valuable for researchers and chemists working in analytical chemistry everywhere.



Physique, chimie


The widespread use of the first edition of Physical Properties of Polymers as a textbook encouraged the authors to expand and update this introduction to polymer science. All of the original topics have been enriched with the latest developments in these fast-moving areas. Two new topics have been added to provide comprehensive treatment. The contents have been divided into sections on physical states of polymers and characterization techniques. Chapters on physical states include discussions of the rubber elastic state, the glassy state, melts and concentrated solutions, the crystalline state, and the mesomorphic state. Characterization techniques described are molecular spectroscopy and scattering techniques. In addition to academic use, this volume offers a well-rounded source of basic information needed by polymer physical chemists, polymer physicists, polymer engineers, and all scientists whose work involves polymers.



Sciences de la terre et de la

A guide to sugarcane diseases

The pathology section of ISSCT (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists) and Cirad decided to publish a new book on sugarcane diseases. The objective is to supply sufficient and updated information regarding scientific knowledge and practical aspects of disease control to those who have to deal with sugarcane. Each disease is thoroughly described and information regarding strains of the pathogen, diagnosis and control are also provided. References are cited and each disease is illustrated by several color pictures.




Impossible lovers

CLAIRE is in charge of a jewelry store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweler, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewelry. CLAIRE, head of jewelry who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewelry, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewelry store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.




Les Nains L'intégrale

Lorsque s'effondre le passage de Pierre que les Nains gardaient depuis toujours, Orcs et Ogres déferlent sur le Pays Sûr. C'est le jeune Nain Tungdil qui donne l'alerte. Envoyé en mission par son père adoptif, le Mage Lot-Ionan, il découvre l'armée qui avance sur le pays. A la tête de cette force d'invasion, les Albes, êtres cruels et maléfiques, ont le pouvoir de ramener les morts à la vie. Tungdil n'a pas d'autre choix, s'il veut sauver Hommes, Elfes, Mages et Nains du péril imminent, que de devenir un héros. Cette édition contient les ouvrages suivants : 1. Le Passage de Pierre 2. Lame de Feu "Une ve ritable re ussite : le lecteur est transporte , le livre se laisse lire rapidement et avec plaisir". Le Pays "Un re cit qui fera passer le nain Gimli du Seigneur des Anneaux pour une danseuse". PC Update



Italie, Florence, Toscane

Italy : Umbria & The Marches

Framed by dramatic mountains and the sparkling Adriatic coast, the neighbouring regions of Umbria and the Marche offer historical and cultural interest to rival the rest of Italy. Lofty medieval hill towns and castles dot the landscape, where vines, truffles and olives grow ; in between nestle lakes, Roman ruins and exceptional art cities crammed with Renaissance masterpieces. Follow in the footsteps of St Francis in UNESCO-listed Assisi, admire Orvieto's magnificent duomo and go sailing on peaceful Lake Trasimeno. Visit Urbino's mighty Palazzo Ducale, hike the Grande Anello dei Sibillini and relax on San Benedetto del Tronto's palm-fringed Blue Flag beaches. Additional online content and updates at



Littérature française

L'Audit Interne dans le secteur public marocain. Enjeux de valeur ajoutée et quête de la performance

Ainsi conçu, au terme d'une capitalisation d'une décennie d'expériences, à la fois concret et complet, ce guide outil ne peut être qu'un manuel de travail pratique documenté et facile d'accès. L'audit interne est une pratique de gestion au service de l'organisation, il est un véritable outil d'information, d'analyse des risques et des dysfonctionnements. L'audit interne une fonction relativement récente dans le secteur public marocain. Elle représente une assistance au management, du contrôle comptable et financier. Ce manuel est un instrument de référence professionnel à la portée de ceux qui désirent avoir à leur actif les meilleures cartes en mains pour être "update" , dans un but décisionnel et stratégique. Ce guide vient d'éclairer aux administrateurs et aux auditeurs du secteur public marocain l'importance de la fonction d'audit interne dans la création de la valeur ajoutée, il vise à retracer le pourtour clé d'efficacité et de la performance. Cet opus est un véritable outil d'informations, d'analyse des risques et des dysfonctionnements. Ecrit par deux praticiens, invitant le lecteur à un vademecum d'audit interne en obéissant à une démarche claire, cohérente et rigoureuse.



Guides pratiques

Sri lanka wildlife

Despite its small size, just 60,000km2, Sri Lanka boasts a breathtaking array of landscapes, home to a remarkable variety of wildlife. One of Asia's best ecotourism destinations, it has not only the continent's largest land mammal — the Asian elephant — but hundreds of species of birds, reptiles and amphibians, many endemic to the island. Colourful kingfishers, purple-faced leaf monkey and the iconic leopard are all found here. This is also arguably the best place in the world for sightings of blue whale. Written by one of Sri Lanka's leading wildlife experts and photographers, Bradt's Sri Lankan Wildlife — newly updated for this second edition — is the perfect introduction to the best of the country's Bora and fauna.



Guides pratiques


With its bounty of wildflower meadows, bubbling hot springs and mountains that beg to be climbed, Tajikistan is an outdoor lover's wonderland. Its high plateaus and unforgiving peaks harbour a bewildering array of flora and fauna, including the famed Marco Polo sheep and even rarer snow leopard. But its history and culture are just as rich as its landscape, home to Silk Road forts, a Sleeping Buddha and the last speakers of the Sogdian language, not to mention ancient Panjakent - cited by many as "the Pompeii of central Asia". Comprehensively updated for this third edition and now in ful colour, Bradt's Tajikistan is packed with practical advice and local detail, making it an essential handbook for any visitor.



Guides pratiques

Zanzibar pemba mafia

With sparkling turquoise seas, palm-fringed beaches and luxury lodges, Zanzibar offers the quintessential Indian Ocean experience. Come here for spectacular diving, rare wildlife and villages steeped in history and tradition. Stroll along powder-white sand, swim with whale sharks in Mafia's marine park, spot giant coconut crabs on Chumbe Island, and encounter turtles on Juani Island. Breathe in the intoxicating aroma of cloves and vanilla an a Kizimbani spice tour or join a local guide in Jambiani for an insight into rural life. Travel : Zanzibar/Afrio Rigorously researched and updated for this tenth edition, Bradt's Zanzibar combines detailed historical and cultural background with in-depth practical advice and includes a dedicated chapter on southern Tanzanian safaris. It's your must-have guide to this alluring archipelago.



Beaux arts

SISLEY. Edition en anglais

Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England, and the 55 colour illustrations in this book include the celebrated snow scenes of the Paris suburbs, his views of the flooded Seine at Port-Marly and his paintings of the colourful regattas on the Thames which Kenneth Clark described as embodying 'the perfect moment of Impressionism'. Richard Shone has completely updated his essay, first published in 1979, and selected new colour plates and added extensive commentaries on the illustrations to make this book an ideal introduction to the work of Alfred Sisley. Richard Shone is Associate Editor of The Burlinglon Magazine. His publications include Bloomsbury Portraits (1976, revised 1993), Walter Sickert (1988) and Sisley (1992), all published by Phaidon.




Graph Theory. Second Edition

This book is a concise, yet carefully written, introduction to modern graph theory, covering all its major recent developments. It can be used both as a reliable textbook for an introductory course and as a graduate text : on each topic it covers all the basic material in full detail, and adds one or two deeper results (again with detailed proofs) to illustrate the more advanced methods of that field. This second edition extends the first in two ways. It offers a thoroughly revised and updated chapter on graph minors, which now includes full new proofs of two of the central Robertson-Seymour theorems (as well as a detailed sketch of the entire proof of their celebrated Graph Minor Theorem). Second, there is now a section of hints for all the exercises, to enhance their value for both individual study and classroom use.



Guides étrangers

Northern Tanzania. Safari Guide. Serengeti - Kilimanjaro - Zanzibar

Home to some of the continent's finest national parks, northern Tanzania is the Africa you have always dreamed about. Head into the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater in search of the endangered black rhino, look for tree-climbing lions in the Serengeti and marvel at a host of dazzlingly colourful birds at Lake Manyara. Yet northern Tanzania is so much more than just a wildlife destination. It is also home to cultural wonders such as the mysterious Kondoa Rock Art and the region's last paractising hunter-gatherers, as well as Africa's most active volcano, fiery Ol Doinyo Lengai. Fully updated for this fourth edition, Bradt's Northern Tanzania is an invaluable travel companiion. Join Africa experts Philip Briggs and Chris McIntyre on an unforgettable journey across the vast plains and breathless peaks of this wonderful region.




Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers. 2nd edition

Whether you need to understand advances in modern technology, prepare for professional exams, or simply brush up on skills acquired long ago, John Fanchi's quick reference guide to applied math is for you. He has updated his 1997 book to include probability and statistics in new chapters with exercises and solutions. Fanchi explains all topics clearly and methodically, from the ground up. He begins with straightforward concepts in college math and gradually progresses to more advanced topics, using practical applications throughout to demonstrate relationships between different areas. The wealth of numerical methods and illustrative examples further enhances the utility of this truly indispensable book. Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition reviews: • Algebra • Geometry, analytic geometry, trigonometry, and hyperbolic functions • Vectors, matrices, and linear algebra • Differential calculus, integral calculus, and special integrals • Partial derivatives • Ordinary differential equations and ODE solution techniques • Partial differential equations • Probability and statistics



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Beaux arts

Rembrandt. Edition en langue anglaise

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-69) transcends any period or social milieu: he is one of the world's great masters and though his works reflect the confidence of newly independent Holland, his vision extends fat beyond these narrow confines. A deeply perceptive artist (his many self-portraits show his continued interest in the study of human nature), he sought to go beyond superficialities, to endow his biblical paintings, historical narratives, genre scenes and portraits with psychological depths hitherto unknown in Dutch painting. Impatient with conventionally stiffly posed group portraits, he produced such masterpieces as The Night Watch, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp and The Staal Meesters, while his studies of Saskia, his wife, and his mistress Hendrickje Stoffels reveal his deeply sensuous, compassionate nature. For this new, updated edition, Michael Kitson, Director of the Paul Mellon Centre in London, has revised his highly successful book in the light of the most recent scholarship on Rembrandt, making this the ideal survey of the career of a much-loved genius.



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Ecrits sur l'art

Discovering the Impressionists. Memoirs of Paul Durand-Ruel

Paul Durand-Ruel redefined the role of the art dealer. An exceptional entrepreneur and precursor of the international art market scene, he established a network of galleries between Paris, London, Brussels, and New York, and organized international traveling exhibitions. The first to recognize the talent of the Barbizon School artists and then the impressionists, and confident in his role championing their art, Paul Durand-Ruel established the careers of visionary artists including Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Berthe Morisot, and Mary Cassatt. This book-fully revised and updated by the Durand-Ruel estate-is an indispensable reference for understanding the artistic circles and the art market of the nineteenth century. Retracing the dealer's life from 1831 to 1922, it features more than sixty illustrations including archival documents and reproductions of works of art, a selection of articles and letters, a list of the principal exhibitions and paintings he displayed, as well as a biographical timeline, family tree, and indexes to key figures, artists, and artworks.



Sciences de la terre et de la

SATELLITES OF THE OUTER PLANETS. Worlds in their own right, Second Edition

"Rothery does an excellent job of synthesizing the research inspired by the Voyager missions into a coherent description of outer solar system geology." -Jonathan I. Lunine, Sky & Telescope "A highly readable, respectably accurate and complete nontechnical summary of planetary satellites for general and scientific audiences." -Paul M. Schenk, Icarus "Rothery brings these satellites to life." -David Hughes, New Scientist. "The depth and authority of the treatment of physical geological processes makes this a good introduction to the outer satellites for undergraduate students, while the clarity of the text ensures that things do not become too complicated for less expert readers." -Lionel Wilson, Times Higher Eduation Supplement. Extensively revised and updated, this new edition of this acclaimed geological guide to the outer solar system includes results and close-up color and black-and-white images from both the 1995-1999 Galileo mission to Jupiter and the Voyager space probe. Rothery explains the geological aspects of the major satellites of the outer planets, from Jupiter to Neptune and the Pluto-Charon system. In particular he shows how tectonic and volcanic processes, driven by heat from within, have shaped the rigid outer layers of these worlds. Rothery also discusses the similarities and differences among them and the ways in which they resemble Earth-like planets.



Physique, chimie


FIND EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS TO MACHINE COMPONENT PROBLEMS! While focusing on the fundamentals of component design, this practical text helps readers learn how to solve engineering problems that involve mechanical components. A proven problem-solving methodology guides readers through the process of formulating machine component problems accurately and presenting solutions clearly. In addition, numerous solved examples and end-of-chapter problems help readers master the material. Graphical procedures help readers visualize the solution format, develop added insight about the significance of the results, and determine how the design can be improved. NEW FEATURES OF THE THIRD EDITION * Open-ended design problems have been added to most chapters. These problems are based on making decisions that involve materials, geometry, and operating conditions. * Material selection charts are now included as an aid in choosing appropriate materials for specific applications. * Finite element analysis is covered in several sections to provide an introduction to this useful tool. * Web site addresses are added throughout the text, providing access to additional information on topics ranging from industrial standards to properties of materials. * Innovative, web-based problems are integrated throughout the text, requiring use of the Internet to solve design problems. * The text has been completely updated with new illustrations and photographs. * A CD-ROM, included with the text, contains HiQ Software by National Instruments, three representative sample problems with solutions, and MathCAD and HiQ problems.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Green Plants. Their Origin and Diversity, 2nd Edition

The central theme of Green Plants is the astonishing diversity of forms found in the plant kingdom, from the simplicity of prokaryotic algae to the myriad complexities of flowering plants. To help the reader appreciate this remarkable diversity, the book is arranged according to generally accepted classification schemes, beginning with algae (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and moving through liverworts, hornworts, mosses, fern allies, ferns and gymnosperms to flowering plants. Copiously illustrated throughout with clear line diagrams and instructive photographs, Green Plants provides a concise account of all algae and land plants, with information on topics from cellular structure to life cycles and reproduction. The authors maintain a refreshingly cautious and objective approach in discussions of possible phylogenetic relationships. Newly emerging information on features of plants known only as fossils is included, providing as complete a history as possible of the plant kingdom. Throughout the book there are many references to ultrastructural and physiological features which relate growth and form to current concepts in the study of plant development. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect current views on the origin of the major groups of plants and includes information arising from more recently developed techniques such as cladistic analyses. As such, it provides an up-to-date and timely resource for students of botany, and also for researchers needing a comprehensive reference to the plant kingdom.



Beaux arts

Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was not only a central figure in the Impressionist movement, but a major influence on the development of modern art. He was the only artist to exhibit at ail eight of the Impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, and his letters are a fascinating and invaluable source of information on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of Impressionism. Pissarro's career touched that of an extraordinary number of his contemporaries, to whom he was often a teacher and always a friend. In his early years he worked with Monet; in the 1870s he painted in close friendship with Cézanne; he was a guide for Gauguin, whom he introduced to the Impressionist group; and in the 1880s bc flirted with Neo-Impressionism with Seurat. This marvellously illustrated book charts the evolution of his painting, and celebrates his compositional brilliance, technical skill and innovatory approach. Forty-eight full-page colour plates illustrate the extraordinary quality of Pissarro's work from ail periods, and these combined with Christopher Lloyd's illuminating text constitute a superb introduction to the artist. Christopher Lloyd is the Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. His essay on Pissarro, first published in 1979, bas been revised and updated, with the addition of commentaries to each plate, written by Amanda Renshaw, and a wide selection of comparative illustrations.



Anglais apprentissage

Encountering the Chinese. A Guide for Americans, Second Edition

To fathom the complex culture of China is a daunting task, but Hu Wenzhong and Cornelius Grove, in this substantially revised and updated edition of their popular book, have risen to the challenge. They provide a practical and sensitive cross-cultural analysis of Chinese culture along with insights into how best to communicate and interact with Chinese people. As the economic and diplomatie climate in China has changed, the frequency of contact between Chinese and Americans has increased in all areas : business, academic, scientific, professional, personal and cultural, making this book even more valuable. Relying on Hu's knowledge of his native Chinese culture and Grove's American perspective from his substantial experience in China, Encountering the Chinese will enable Westerners to establish more productive and rewarding relationships with the Chinese, both inside and outside the PRC. As in the first edition, the authors retain fondamental information on basic Chinese values, cultural norms, and mindsets and identify the cross-cultural factors that often lead to failed business negotiations, embarrassing faux pas and misunderstandings when Americans and other Westerners encounter the Chinese. In this second edition they have added a discussion of economic changes and the gradual demise of state-owned companies, and they give special attention to the shift among young urban professionals and businesspeople from traditional collectivist values toward individualism and a market economy mentality. There is also a new section for American women working in China.




Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2015 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2014 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. "Italy and Human Rights in 2014 : the Challenge of National/International Constitutional Synergism" is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. The complex network of monitoring actions carried out by the supranational bodies, and the relative reporting requirements Italy must meet, can only be viewed in the context of reciprocal exchange and strengthening between the provisions enshrined in the national Constitution and international human rights law. The Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2015 represents an updated orientation tool intended to support the commitment taken by the Italian Government in the framework of the second Universal Periodic Review (October 2014) before the UN Human Rights Council.




Ansible. Gérez la configuration de vos serveurs et le déploiement de vos applications, 3e édition

Ce livre sur Ansible s'adresse aux administrateurs de systèmes Unix qui souhaitent découvrir les différentes fonctionnalités spécifiques de cet outil DevOps permettant la configuration centralisée de serveurs et applications. A l'aide d'exemples concrets, l'auteur apporte au lecteur les connaissances nécessaires pour bien comprendre l'intérêt de son utilisation. Certains prérequis sur le langage YAML ou l'utilisation du protocole SSH sont un plus pour une utilisation efficace d'Ansible. Dans les premiers chapitres, l'auteur aide toutefois le lecteur à les acquérir pour qu'il puisse tirer le meilleur profit de la lecture du livre. Les chapitres qui suivent traitent des différents mécanismes d'Ansible avec une approche de difficulté progressive. Les premiers mécanismes permettent ainsi d'administrer de façon classique les serveurs (Unix ou Windows) alors que les suivants nécessitent des notions plus avancées, notamment sur la programmation Python. Le lecteur y découvre alors comment créer un inventaire, comment réinjecter des informations provenant de sources existantes (ESX, AWS, Docker...) ou comment créer des playbooks. La création de rôles Ansible est également traitée ainsi que quelques bonnes pratiques à suivre (analyse de code et test avec Molecule à l'aide de Podman ou Docker). A côté des notions purement orientées Ansible, certains chapitres sont consacrés au déroulement du déploiement d'une application MediaWiki. Le lecteur étudie ainsi les problématiques de parallélisation des tâches, l'introduction d'un répartiteur de charge Haproxy et le lancement en séquence des opérations permettant de réaliser les mises à jour avec un impact minimal (rolling update). L'optimisation des tâches sera également un point important avec la mise en place de Mitogen. La suite du livre détaille plus particulièrement la personnalisation d'Ansible. La restitution d'informations (mécanismes de callback et découverte de ARA), l'écriture de modules pour la gestion d'opérations, les filtres Jinja ou encore la création d'actions sont ainsi étudiés. Enfin, l'auteur présente dans les derniers chapitres la problématique de la création de machines virtuelles, classiques (via l'hyperviseur ESX/VMware/vCenter) ou dans le cloud (avec AWS), l'utilisation de containers containers Podman/Docker avec Ansible, le pilotage d'applications dans un cluster Kubernetes ainsi que la création d'un opérateur.
