



Littérature française

Has Been

" Junkie pour la vie au moment inouï où l'on a incarné cette chose magique, que les gens ont adorée : un tube. Qui vous bouffe, vous vampirise, vous rend fou. Le temps s'arrête sur cet unique objet, ce moment où la grâce vous a touché, et où vous avez été en phase avec le public. Que ce soit une chansonnette absurde, une scie sirupeuse, un infâme slow, un petit chef-d'œuvre, un tchakapoum ringard ou une chanson à boire, le résultat sera le même. Votre vie se résumera à ce moment-là. Ce sera votre paradis perdu et vous aurez beau faire de nouvelles chansons, proposer autre chose, vous réveiller en nage la nuit, en hurlant comme dans Le Prisonnier : " Je ne suis pas un numéro ! Je ne suis pas un numéro... du Top 50 ! ", trop tard. Comme un disque rayé, votre vie ne tournera plus qu'autour de cette rondelle. Il y aura "l'avant", et "l'après". Le pacte avec le diable. Le tube comme un moment d'éternité. Ça vous aura juste coûté votre âme. " Caroline Loeb



Théâtre - Pièces

Has been

Une pièce de théâtre tendre et drôle où un homme de 45 ans se trouve confronté à son double de 15 ans par la magie d'une K7 audio. Les époques se téléscopent, les certitudes, les rêves, les reniements... Qu'avons nous fait de l'adolescent qui sommeille dans chacun d'entre nous ? - Une pièce de théâtre jubilatoire qui parle à chacun d'entre nous - La confrontation entre un homme de 45 ans et son double de 15 ans par la magie d'un enregistrement sur K7 audio rappelant l'ambiance des années 80-90 - Une réflexion joyeuse autour de la vie, les rêves de l'enfance et l'adolescence confrontés au choix, au réel. - Une pièce rédigée par un duo d'acteurs et dramaturges reconnus qui font école - Une pièce qui a déjà rencontré son public à Avignon en 2019 et qui est reprogrammée cette année (si le festival est maintenu).



Couple, famille

Jt'm. L'amour est-il has been ?

Halte aux consensus mous, aux fausses évidences, à l'opposition stérile des experts ! Bienvenue a tous ceux qui veulent se construire un avis, par eux-mêmes et pour eux- mêmes. Impertinents et critiques, ces petits antidotes leur sont dédiés. L'amour nous enthousiasme, nous obsède, nous fait rêver ; tant de romans et de films le célèbrent... Mais l'époque livre aussi nos désirs à une cruelle compétition narcissique, qui nous laisse esseulés et frustrés.
L'amour est-il has been ? Ou est-il à réinventer ?




La has been compagnie. Inventons une entreprise en phase avec notre époque

De la grande démission aux démissions silencieuses, le désir d'entreprise s'étiole. Nous ne sommes pas devenus plus fainéants, nous sommes devenus plus exigeants sur la place à donner au travail. Mais la vraie rupture n'est pas là. Il existe une fracture plus profonde. Celle des entreprises "jupitériennes" dans une société qui aspire à plus de démocratie participative. Elles sont contrôlantes dans un monde épris de liberté, structurées par des chaines de commandement quand c'est l'influence qui dirige les communautés. Malgré leurs efforts pour se transformer, les entreprises deviennent anachroniques. Dépassées en faisant encore du profit une finalité, quand ce n'est qu'une manière de financer le progrès. Démodées en continuant de croire qu'elles sont un lieu où l'on se réuni pour produire, alors qu'elles doivent devenir un projet que l'on rejoint pour s'accomplir. Liberté, utilité, humanité, voilà la devise qui doit les inspirer si elles veulent rester dans le vent. -------------- Tous les chapitrces sont structurés ainsi : - Décryptage : analyse du phénomène social/sociétal. - Décalage : identification des impacts sur l'entreprise et des décalages/ruptures que cela génère. - Témoignage : Un dirigeant partage son point de vue et donne des perspectives. - Prototypage : Quelques pistes de solutions pour réinventer une entreprise d'avant-garde. --------------




The Role of Insurance as a Risk Management Instrument of Small-Scale Enterprises in Nigeria

Nearly over 60 % of the Nigerian population who are engaged in small-scale enterprise sector have not been able to manage their enterprise risks economically. This situation has caused many entrepreneurs to liquidate their business. Various insurance possibilities have been considered in this study, which are capable of rectifying the situation.



Autres langues

Japanese for busy people I. Revised edition

In the ten years since its publication, Japanese for Busy People has won acceptance worldwide as an effective, easy-to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independent study. In this new edition, numerous revisions and additions have been made, taking into account the comments and responses of both students and teachers who have been using the course. In Book 1, the revisions are directed at making the grammatical explanations easier to understand, while adding further explanations of points that students have difficulty with. Changes have also been made in favor of more natural practice sentences and dialogues. In addition, new appendices list the particles, interrogatives, and sentence patterns in the book, as well as the kanji introduced. More fundamental revisions have been made to Book II, which has been expanded and divided into two volumes, Book II and Book III. The changes result in a smoother transition from Book I, make new grammatical elements clearer, and present more natural practice dialogues and exercise sentences. This concise course in natural Japanese is ideal for such students as businessmen whose aim is a working knowledge of the spoken language in everyday life. "Survival Japanese for Adults," as it might be called, gets to the heart of the language without recourse to childish or classroom-only Japanese. Vocabulary and grammar have been limited to about one-third that usually encountered in beginner courses, and words and patterns that students will find immediately useful are emphasized. The thirty lessons are composed of dialogues, notes on grammar, and vocabulary, exercises, and quizzes. In addition to developing verbal fluency, by the time the student is one-third of the way through Book 1, he or she will have mastered the two phonetic syllabaries of Japanese, hiragana and katakana.



Physique, chimie


The widespread use of the first edition of Physical Properties of Polymers as a textbook encouraged the authors to expand and update this introduction to polymer science. All of the original topics have been enriched with the latest developments in these fast-moving areas. Two new topics have been added to provide comprehensive treatment. The contents have been divided into sections on physical states of polymers and characterization techniques. Chapters on physical states include discussions of the rubber elastic state, the glassy state, melts and concentrated solutions, the crystalline state, and the mesomorphic state. Characterization techniques described are molecular spectroscopy and scattering techniques. In addition to academic use, this volume offers a well-rounded source of basic information needed by polymer physical chemists, polymer physicists, polymer engineers, and all scientists whose work involves polymers.



Histoire internationale

Nationalism and reparation in west Africa

After more than 50 years of independence, sustainable reconstruction in the form of effective African integration and development has not been in line with the aspiration of African people. This has been symbolised by the transformation of the Organisation of African Unity to the African Union in 2002. Will the new African Union be able to remedy this situation ? What is the essence of African reparation in this modern age of diplomacy and globalisation ?



Beaux arts

St.-Gilles-du-Gard: The West Facade Figured Frieze

The west facade of St.-Gilles presents one of the most important sculptural programs of Gaul, but its date remains problematic. Unresolved questions of style are aggravated by physical irregularities in the facade, particularly the figured frieze, that have been attributed to a change of plan. Inconsistencies in individual frieze reliefs have been ignored or interpreted solely according to that theory. The scope of these inconsistencies and their import to the frieze and facade chronology are studied.




Islanders. The Making of the Mediterranean

Accompagnant une exposition au Fitzwilliam Museum, à Cambridge, ce livre explore les identités insulaires dans la Méditerranée antique, s'interrogeant sur la façon don't "l'insularité" (caractère propre à une île) affecta et influença la production et la créativité de l'art, l'évolution architecturale, les migrations et le mouvement des gens. Il s'étend au-delà de l'Antiquité, intégrant des discours actuels sur les identités culturelles insulaires par rapport à celles des continents, y compris celle de la Grande-Bretagne, identité insulaire débattue. Throughout history, islands have been treated as distinct places, unlike mainland and continental masses. In geographic terms, islands are merely pieces of land surrounded by water, but the perception of island life has never been neutral. Rather, the term 'insularity' - belonging to/being of an island - has been romanticized and associated with otherness. Islands have often been deemed to have different histories from the mainland and with more readily isolated socio-political, cultural and economic characteristics. Yet connectivity has also been an important feature of island life as the sea can be a linking rather than just a dividing body, motivating and maintaining informal and formal connections. Fifty unique archaeological objects - most never displayed before outside Cyprus, Crete and Sardinia - tell exceptional stories of insular identity, over a period of 4000 years. The movement of people and episodes of migration between islands and their surrounding mainlands is also explored, through architecture, material culture, crafts and technologies present in the Mediterranean islands. Islanders has a broad diachronic scope and applies integrative analytical approach, bringing together research findings from scientific fields within archaeology, as well as a multi-scalar approach to past human interaction within continental and island environments.



Non classé

The Two Sources of Indian Asceticism

This book argues that the Indian ascetic traditions have two independent sources, the one Vedic, the other non-Vedic. This point of view has been expressed here and there in the scholarly literature, but it has never yet been argued in detail on the basis of textual evidence. The primary evidence is as follows : Early Indian literature - primarily the Epics, Buddhist and Jaina literature - explicitly differentiates between two types of ascetics, who distinguish themselves from each other in their aims, as well as in various other respects.



Français langue étrangère (FLE

French intermediate. Workbook

This easy-to-use workbook has been designed specificallyfor intermediate learners in French. It includes 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) which follow a logical progression. You will be able to self-assess your level at the end of each chapter. Every aspect of the language has been covered, including grammar, spelling, vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation and accentuation. 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) to learn French ; Tasks include : matching, fill the blanks, find the odd one, unscrambling exercises, crosswords, riddles and more ; Grammar, conjugation, spelling, pronunciation and accentuation ; Test yourself with our self-assessment tasks.



Non classé

Contemporary Studies in the National Olympic Games Movement

National Olympic Games were more closely connected with the Ancient Greek ideal than the modern international Olympic Games of de Coubertin. Moreover, such national or regional Olympic Games have not only been precursors for the international Olympic Games but also they have been further developed parallel with the international Olympic Movement - even in the 20th century, in Europe, in North and South America and in Asia. In the emerging nation states of Europe, both before as well as after the turn of the century, these national Olympic Games had a more important function (identity-forming) than the Olympic Games.



Non classé

A Concordance to Six Middle English Tail-Rhyme Romances

The six Middle English poems covered by this two-volume computerized concordance form a homogeneous group of non-cyclical tail-rhyme romances : Sir Eglamour of Artois, Le Bone Florence of Rome, Sir Isumbras, Octavian, The King of Tars, and Sir Tryamowr. In preparing the concordance, the relevant editions have been checked against the manuscripts and the texts re-edited according to a unified set of principles. In this KWIC (Key Word in Context) concordance the lexical material is given in full and homonyms have been distinguished. It can serve both literary (E.g. formulaic) and linguistic (e.g. syntactic) studies.




The Rejection of the Humble Messianic King

Although the prominence of Matthew's anti-Jewish polemic has been widely recognized in recent years, curiously little attention has thus far been given to the contribution made by chapters 11 and 12 to this theme. Often dismissed as a loose compendium of controversy-stories, this narrative section actually displays a solid, thematic unity dealing with the tragic fact of Jesus'rejection by the covenant people, Israel. Matthew's usually thoughtful style is evident in these chapters as he proceeds in a quite independent manner to clarify the unexpectedly humble nature of the messianic mission, the consequences of its rejection and the identity of the true people of God.



Critique littéraire

Radio pluralism in West Africa

RADIO PLURALISM IN WEST AFRICAThe present survey has been compiled from a project regarding radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. This project is part of Regional Programme of the Paris Panos Institute. It includes research as well as a back up plan for the development of radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. This survey covers ECOWAS 16 member-countries with the exception of Liberia which is excluded for political reasons. It has been monitored by a committee of participants who are all interested, for various reasons, in the development of radio broadcasting pluralism in West Africa. Surveys were carried out by african journalists and researchers.




Galois Theory. 1998, 2nd edition

This text offers a clear, efficient exposition of Galois Theory with complete proofs and exercises. Topics include: cubic and quartic formulas, Fundamental Theory of Galois Theory; insolvability of the quintic; Galois's Great Theorem (solvability by radicals of a polynomial is equivalent to solvability of its Galois Group); and computation of Galois groups of cubics and quartics. There are appendices on group theory, ruler-compass constructions, and the early history of Galois Theory. This book provides a concise introduction to Galois Theory suitable for first-year graduate students, either as a text for a course or for study outside the classroom. This new edition has been completely rewritten. Proofs are now clearer because more details are given and because the exposition has been reorganized (for example, the discussion of solvability by radicals now appears later in the book). The book now begins with a short section on symmetry groups of polygons in the plane, for there is an analogy between symmetry groups of polygons and Galois groups of polynomials. This analogy can serve as a guide to help readers organize the theoretic definitions and constructions. Several new theorems have also been included; for example, the Casus Irreducibilis.



Non classé

The Moment

Written representations of momentary phenomena such as the Fall, the kairos, epiphany, the nunc stans, the sublime, dialectical and historical moments of change and moments of deferral are always doomed to fail. However, representational failures at writing have always been turned into a performative success : more writing. The author's reading of the various textualizations of the moment is not historical, but genealogical (Foucault) and not typological, but economical (Derrida); it reveals the moment as an inevitable trope : the deconstruction of a representational moment in a given text reinscribes this moment as the text's performative momentum. This ever shifting meaning of the moment has been followed through literary and philosophical texts from Plato to Beckett.



Anglais apprentissage

Sophie's Choice. William Styron

Sophie's Choice has met a tremendous success since publication in 1979 and has been translated in many languages, including Japanese and Russian; it bas been made into a movie by Alan Pakula, with Meryl Streep in the unforgettable leading rote, and even gave birth to an opera. As usual William Styron gets down to brass tacks with one of the most awe-inspiring themes of the twentieth century: the final solution and the horror of the death-camps. In this bilingual study the emphasis is laid on the complexity of the narrative technique, the link between sexuality and violence, and the entanglement of historical, religious, philosophical and psychoanalytical references that make up the fabric of personal drama and human tragedy that Sophie's Choice represents.





This book is intended to serve as a one-semester introductory course in number theory. Throughout the book a historical perspective has been adopted and emphasis is given to some of the subject's applied aspects; in particular die field of cryptography is highlighted. At the heart of the book arc the major number theoretic accomplishments of Euclid, Fermat, Gauss, Legendre, and Euler, and to fully illustrate the properties of numbers and concepts developed in the text, a wealth of exercises has been included. It is assumed that the reader will have 'pencil in hand' and ready access to a computer. For students new to number theory, whatever their background, this is a stimulating and entertaining introduction to the subject.




Paris mythique. 100 photos de légende

PARIS MYTHIQUE 100 PHOTOS DE LEGENDE Une ville a-t-elle jamais été autant photographiée que Paris ? Les plus grands en ont inlassablement tiré le portrait, s'efforçant de capter une ambiance, un esprit, une vérité. Leur talent et la providence ont parfois propulsé leurs instantanés dans la légende, suspendant le temps d'un Paris éternel. Un Paris plus grand que Paris, un Paris idéal et poétique, gravé à jamais dans nos rêves et dans nos coeurs... Has there ever been a city as photogenic as Paris ? The greatest photographers have been relentless in their quest for capturing a piece of Paris' candid charm and unique spirit. Their lenses have immortalised Paris with iconic portraits of a city that is idyllic, poetic, larger than life, and that is etched indelibly in our hearts and dreams...




The Spiritual Narratives of Adoptive Parents

Although much attention has been given to the various social and psychological experiences of two essential parts of the adoption triad – adopted persons and birth parents – adoptive parents are largely overlooked in the literature. More particularly, sparse information has been collected on the issue of adoptive parents' spiritual narratives. Cultural and religious traditions significantly affect how adoptive parents interpret and make spiritual and theological meaning of their unique experiences. Ryan Noel Fraser's cutting-edge research uncovers the distinctive re-authoring process of Christian adoptive parents' faith narratives resulting from the experience of receiving a child through adoption. The Spiritual Narratives of Adoptive Parents is ideal for courses in family studies, marriage and the family, adoption studies, pastoral theology, pastoral counseling, Christian counseling, theological anthropology, and practical theology.



Non classé

Development and Developing International and European Law

This book contains more than 40 contributions from academics, specialists and practitioners in International and European law as well as transnational constitutional law. The articles focus on recent developments in these fields and in particular on legal aspects of development. The book is dedicated to Konrad Ginther whose own academic research and work have always been devoted to new developments in international law and the shift of legal paradigms at universal and regional levels. International law in transformation and the right to (sustainable) development as a legal principle have been important aspects of his work. The contributions of his colleagues, friends and scholars, published in honour of his 65th birthday, reflect the interplay of theory, dogmatics and the practice of development in international, European and national constitutional law.



Histoire ancienne

Pondera antiqua et mediaevalia II

The Pondera Online project aims to collect and study ancient and medieval weights. No attempt for such a global corpus has been successful since the end of the 19th century. Dispersed objects, disparate information and imprecise data together constitute a major obstacle to a comprehensive approach. Therefore, the Pondera Online project is intended to fill a gap in the collection, standardisation, and processing of these archaeological data, thanks to an open access database (https : //pondera. uclouvain. be/). In this framework, four annual workshops have been organised in Louvain-la-Neuve between 2016 and 2019, bringing together specialists in Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic weights and measures. These meetings have led to a rich program of presentations and discussions, and to the preparation of several papers. Thirteen of them are gathered in this second collective volume.




Titian : Sources and Documents

Hugely ambitious, Titian : Sources and Documents includes all known documents about Titian and his work dating from his lifetime, and all known references to him in contemporary publications. The relevant section of each text is transcribed in full, preceded by a short summary in English, with extensive annotation and, where necessary, a commentary. The intention of this incredible work of scholarship is to provide a comprehensive survey of the surviving historical evidence about Titian and his career. Titian was one of the most famous, successful and long-lived of Renaissance painters. Much of his output was for rulers or institutions whose archives have been in large part preserved, and many of his family papers have also survived. In addition, he was mentioned in more than a hundred and sixty different publications in his lifetime. Although hundreds of the documents about him and his work have been published, usually in specialised publications based on material in a single archive, there have only been two attempts to provide an overview of the entire body of documents and early published references to him, the first by Crowe and Cavalcaselle in 1877, the second by Adolfo Venturi in 1928. These publications were necessarily selective and included transcriptions of only a small part of the material which was used. The collection, amounting to over two thousand nine hundred items, includes not only texts specifically about Titian himself, but also those concerning his siblings and children, his principal assistants and the other members of the Vecellio family already active as painters before his death, as well as inscriptions on paintings and prints. In addition to texts dating from Titian's lifetime, the collection includes all biographical material published before 1700 and all other texts that could realistically be thought to reflect first- or second-hand anecdotal information about him. The particular strengths and limitations of the principal early printed sources and the circumstances in which they were produced are discussed in a substantial introduction, which also includes an overview of the main archival collections consulted in the preparation of the book. Most of these are in Italy, but others are in Spain, Austria and Germany. New transcriptions are provided for the great majority of the documents that have previously been published, and many hitherto unknown documents have been included. Consideration is given also to documents now known only via secondary sources, and to fake documents, of which a significant number were produced in the past two centuries.



Physique, chimie


Since 1960, this leading text has taught thousands of students the fundamentals of non rigid body mechanics. Now, the new author team of Riley, Sturges, and Morris have revised the text to appeal to today's students by updating the illustration program, adding design content, and including more realistic problem sets. The fifth edition is written in a clear and concise style and contains new illustrations throughout each chapter. The text stresses the use of fundamental principles and the concepts of mechanics to solve all problems. As a result, students must apply the information presented in each chapter to answer realistic problems instead of simply using formulas. This problem solving method motivates students to learn the material because they see how it is used in the real world. New Features of the Fifth Edition * A new introductory chapter containing a "Review of Statics" has been included. * Chapter 2 is reorganized to conform with the greater use of the stress transformation and principal stress equations in engineering practice. * Numerous example problems are used to show methods of analysis for typical mechanics of materials problems. Hints have been added to most of these example problems to help students understand the thought process required for their solution. * Each chapter concludes with a section on design. * Design Example problems and Design Homework problems have been added to most chapters. * There are over 1300 homework problems, many of which require the use of the computer for their solution.



Non classé

Health and Development in Africa

In order to account for the multiplicity of the development problem the interaction of health and development has been discussed at an international interdisciplinary symposium. Scholars from both humanities and sciences from the United States, Africa and Europe examined jointly economic and health problems not leaving apart cultural anthropological aspects.



Contes et nouvelles


"La séance commence dans quelques instants. Inutile de retourner dans votre chambre. Votre épouse a été très imprudente, en effet (le salaud comprenait donc tout ce qu'ils se disaient depuis le début). SM, Madame, veut dire Snuff- Movie. Je ne vous fais pas de petits dessins, n'est-ce pas ?? Et vous en serez les héros ou plus exactement, les acteurs." (Romain et Julie, le jeune couple en voyage à l'étranger) "Il avait simplement perdu la foi. Pour qui irait-il donc encore faire le joli coeur, lui, l'écrivain qui n'était plus en vogue, un has-been en espérant qu'il n'ait jamais été un has-ever-been ? " (Oscar, l'écrivain en fin de parcours) "Elle portait son éternel chapeau noir démodé, lustré à force de servir. Il est vrai qu'elle ne manquait aucun enterrement ; c'était son passe-temps préféré, sa revanche sur tous ceux qu'elle détestait – et ils étaient nombreux." (Séraphine, la célibataire mûrissante dans une campagne perdue)



Non classé

Understanding Bilingualism

Interest in bilingualism has been continually increasing during recent years as it becomes obvious how wide-spread the phenomenon is and as our interest in minority groups grows. Investigations into bilingual situations in USA, Europe and Australia give an insight into the intricacies of language contact, of learning situations and of non-lingual behaviour.



Non classé

The Connection between Base Structure and Linearization Restrictions in German and Dutch

Recently, generative linguists have been concentrating on underlying principles of grammar rather than dealing with the connection between surface data and base structure. This book is an attempt to establish that connection by writing a grammar of the German and Dutch sentence. Moreover, it stresses the value of the Topological Fields Theory as a "prefiguration" of later transformational analyses.
